Notes management:
- notes organized in tree, easily moved using drag&drop
- searching in notes
- finding notes by title
Notes editor:
- RichText format
- proper display of any language/charset (UTF-8 save format)
- different font styles, colours etc.
- configurable paragraph alignment
- support for unordered lists
- subscript and superscript
Configurability and usability
- last file and note reopened automatically on start
- autosave
- configurable shortcuts
- toolbar
- system tray support
- printing of current note
- HTML export
Planned features
There are some features that may appear in next version.
They are in more or less random order. For many of them further discussion
is required. If you want to join it, please consider subscribing to
KnowIt development list.
You can post suggestions even without subscription.
- support for dragging files/items from other programs (KMail?)
- internal links to external documents (this requires Qt 4.0, so it can happen only when KDE 4.0 becomes available)
- better import (from text files, HTML documents etc.)
- advanced search
- keywords
- improved printing
- encryption
- multiple documents handling (tabs)